Thursday 23 July 2009


Well its been a while since I last posted. As many of you are aware I was over for the Sprint Champs. Which I must say was well organised with the goodies at the end and a massive finish chute, whats going on. Along with all the people there 170, its brilliant for RAF Tri, its not for the Membership Sec though!!!! Poor Guy.

So the Baggage Handlers yet again have ruined another bike of mine. I'm still waiting for the claim to get sorted. So the Tuesday night I frantically sent a text to all to see if someone could loan me a bike(I would have took Turbo's new 1)(I see Mick has got Kelda to take his bike in Elli 2 Barca as he doesn't trust the handlers) Thanks to all for their help offered, in the end I got Jase's 'S' Works which is nice as I ride one also so was happy with layout apart from he uses SRAM so had a 5 min spin to get used to.

Had hardly any chance for a proper set the bike up and warm up before race, most of my time was spent dealing with new or new to be members.

Race went OK and to finish in the top 10 with the big boys was pleasing with all the problems I had pre race.

Since then I have recced the Ironman Route(Jeff & Mal) take note. The swim looks OK, IE nice setting, calm etc. Out of T1 onto the main bike route is about 5 speed bumps nowt major, then a quick right another right, sharp left then bang the hill they are all harping on about. Honestly it is the last part that is steep and will take it out of you after 3 laps. Be careful on final part of descent where the road is shocking then you have a dead stop left turn(Granny Ring) as its slightly up again Undulating for 5-10 miles this road could be good if its not windy.Apart from this the rest of the route seems OK. The last 20k is undulating and you get no real rhythm going. I completed the 37 mile loop in 2hr 20(This with colleague and few stops) I liked the course.

The run, back out of T2 but turn left follow road till you hit the main road in to Bolton City Centre, past a little town, Reebok Stadium(Dump) on right continue along here nice steady incline turn right in to Regents road then takes you onto the canal path, if the sun shinning here there is no hiding place. I thought this was a nice part of the run then back up to onto the main road(Chorley New Road or something like that) into queens park around, back on same route and turn round at the Crown pub(You will see this). Again I thought the route seemed OK with a mixed bag, it is not flat though mark my words.

So was glad I had done this just to give me an insight a little heads up on what to expect. I did not see any signs up explaining the IM was on etc and not many people knew about it.

Ref spectators I think it will be OK for them to view. IE lots of places to watch from just how they get there is the thing I feel parking up and then trying to get out to go somewhere else will be a night mare, so walking it is, we will see. I have the whole Swallow gland coming up as its not far for them to travel.

So back to normal this week and in my taper, with steady run, swim, bike involved. If I could. I'm not sure if its me panicking as I'm so near to the event but I'm booked in with Physio tomorrow, not sure how but my right shoulder giving me jiff and hurting after swimming. Then whilst out on bike in Bolton I accidentally whacked my knee, Jesus its giving me grief now so I'm resting it, then there is the attack of Man Flu, knocking me for 6. Suppose at least I will be rested.

Apart from that I feel ready, training for the whole season has been geared up for the LD stuff, not lost the weight I wanted to as I LOVE FOOD. Glad I seen part of the course. So all down to events on race day now.

Thanks to all those that have sponsored me to those who haven't get sponsoring, PLEASE.

Sunday 5 July 2009

Last hard w/end before my taper.

So this Fri, Sat & Sun was my last real hard set before I start to take it a little easier ready for IMUK..... only 4 weeks away. That will please Kaz. Think she is sick and tired of all things Iron Man. So Fri......
3k swim set done in 56Min's, I am enjoying my swimming at the moment and am noticing the difference. Nice and relaxed not going like a mad man.

So Sat....
6hrs on the bike.... all on my own. What a mixed bag of a day, hot, sticky, cloudy, windy, wet, hot and so on. So off I set all clothed up like I will be on race day, spares on bike, food gels etc etc and a plan to stop for drinks top ups and toilets stop as per race day. Hard to mimic route as its all hills over here. So covered 94 miles and was happy with that as it was my intention to drop the pace to more like 16mph so I have something ready for the run. Worked a treat found it a breeze and nutrition was bang on Avg Hr 120.

Today(Sun) A 20 mile run, again as per race day. Set off nice and steady looking to have something in the tank for later on in the run. God it was hot. So 2hrs 30 in to the run and I was starting to feel the effects, legs getting tired and no nutrition left as I was looking at 3hrs finish. Well I was close did the 20 in 3hrs 2Min's and 56 secs. Avg Hr 139

A good w/end of training and some good taken out of it. I felt for what I had done my Hr was nice and low. I must remember to maintain a good steady pace and eat well everything else will follow suit. I hope.

A day in the lakes HALF

When I was looking at the Tri talk website a thread was created to announce this new race, it is fair to say that it caught the imagination of quite a few people on I was thinking "mmmmm that could be a really good day out" and yes its not too far away and those lads from Trihard usually put on a fantastic race..........and at £45 who could say no!!! So I entered in Jan this year and was to use the experience a good prep for IMUKFriday I had booked off the Friday and Monday, with the plan to get up there and get myself into the B&B I was staying in just outside Pooley Bridge and only a mile or two to where the Registration, transition and start of race would be. Perfect. So not a lot done Fri apart from a nice meal oh with a pint of Black Sheep Bitter (Nice). Then sleep……….Saturday It was another hot sweltering day and I needed to make sure I was fully loaded with water and with carb drink all day. I decided to take a quick hr spin out on bike checking a little of the route, how my chaffing issue was coming on and if bike was ok. Well had a nice big fat fry up with black pud(Yum). Issues with bike delayed my start time but got out and covered 17 miles in the Hr. Bike ok a few little issues and chaffing ok. Thank God. Off into town for a quick hair cut and a little look in local bike shop, 1. To remedy few bike issues and 2. To buy last minute nutrition stuff. Nice big lunch had with an awesome carrot and orange cake. Oh I love the eating before a hard race. Then it was a recce of the bike course in the car. I gulped audibly when I got my first look at Kirkstone Pass snaking its way into the stratosphere but as I drove it I became convinced it wasn't too bad. That was up until the last 500m of it where it pitched into a much tougher gradient. "That'll hurt" was my only assessment. The rest of the course looked fine and Shap Fell seemed a piece of cake in the car - this is why car recces are far from ideal!Sunday - Race Day: Race day was a little too well organised and I had loads of time to spare, not like me. Well you will be glad to know I nearly missed the hooter for the swim. Wouldn’t be race day for me if I was not like this. I was in the 2nd out of 3 waves. Wave 1 under 30 mins, wave2 30-35 and wave3 plan was to be as economic as possible....not to think about or worry what anyone else was doing, but to concentrate on my stroke....the result was fairly decent. 33 Mins and I overtook a lot of Wave 1 think they lied about there times. Apart from a little panic period half way thru where I just took a funny turn and had to roll over onto my back and chill for a few second, well minute. Exit from water ok. Happy SWIM: 33mins: So into T1, no major probs really, was not to sure what was gong to happen wit the weather.Anyway headed out of T1 on to the bike. Bout 14 miles around the lake, towards the big climb of the day - the Kirkstone Pass: I was hoping to get as close to a 3hr bike as I could even on this ridiculously hard course, a nice 20%I maintained a good 18mph for this part of the course and overtook a good few though when the ARMY guy passed me I had to return the favour this was to happen for a good part of the course until when he decided to overtake 2 cars when 1 was deciding to turn right. It knocked him off, he was ok though so I settled got into a nice pace going up the hill, but was having a mechanical and could not get into my smallest gear which I so needed. By the last steep bit I was starting to sweat in the heat and feeling it a little.....I was controlled......but then I got to the top and fairly hammered it down.....overtook all in my sight (in the place that it was safe to and there wasn’t many). Thank god the 1st major climb done. Avg speed well and truly gone down now.The roads then meandered over towards Shap Fell and the long climb up there the heat was starting to take its toll and my water was running out, I was trying t eat but just did not feel like it(MISTAKE),at the top were people pom-pomming away and the cow-bells were a-clattering !!!! Great atmosphere!!! So for me.....bimble up the hill and hammer it downwards and again I took loads and loads before it started to flatten out a trick I had heard about and was trying it for the 1st time. The rest of the bike passed without incident, but the heat was turning up a notch and the sun was out, I started to feel the effects of this so got some food and gel in before it was too late. Well you guessed it..... Too late. My pace was slowing down considerably, but was still at 18mph Avg. Anyway I got back to T2 not to sure how I was feeling. BIKE: 3hrs 10mins I’m not sure where to start with this Fell run but it was horrific. I started off at a steady pace cracking a few jokes with others and got some more water and gels in to set me up.The next two hours were simply purgatory - the clouds parted and the sun shone down hard.....about 2-3km into the run was the 1st sight of what was to come off the beaten track in the Lakes and looking at a good incline. I did not walk up this though like many others. In hindsight maybe I should have, as the path flattened and levelled off I thought great but - I just couldn’t handle the sun and was sweating hard......I was fine in the shade and could run ok, but as soon as the sun shone I was like "Woody" in Toy Story when the little boy comes back in the room and he just freezes......I knew I had to keep eating and drink and knew I had a bout 3 miles to go till 1st feed station, I got to the first aid station and drank well and stood in the stream and chucked the water all over myself, it was just so hot, set off but saw the sheer mountain ahead of us and just thought bowlocks to that....that isn’t a run course, that’s what mountaineers do and I am not one of those.....I am going to pack it in......wait, no I am not, not after coming this far, yeah I am, no I am not, yeah I am, not I am not"....oh stuff it...and on I went.....the climb was steep and hard.....and it was here that the ARMY guy took me, passed me looking good - I was still talking to myself about how crap the sun is and why the hell was I half way up a mountain.....time for a get my head together, this was spoilt when wonder woman came flying past me, yes just a bikini on a tight female body that was part of a relay, a great pick me up but also a real downer that I could not go that fast. This lead to more banter with other athletes and more talking t myself.....eventually after what seemed an age I got to the top(Oh I walked but so did every one else) and there was a lovely stream with water as clear as you could imagine...."is this drinkable" I asked a marshal......"well everyone else has" was the reply, which wasn’t really a yes or a no, but I took a full handful and poured it over my head before heading on the descent....the view were stunning...simply WOW !!!! The descent was a killer as well, very technical and hard on the legs, and I was really starting to feel it now I reckoned I was about 7 miles in to the run, I was getting overtaken by a far few by now but kept telling myself to hang in and just keep going. I managed to pass the ARMY guy again, dancer, he was gone, but so I was I to be honest, but made it to the second aid station along with 4 or 5 others..... how we feeling lads"......"sheeeite", "rubbish", "crap"....."how long left" were the answers.......the cheerful marshal (aren’t they always cheerful ?) said ooooh about 3.5 miles and its all flat. Well I suppose it was flat compared to Kilimanjaro we had just been up and down, but it was still up and and many others decided to run/walk the last bit ....The Ironman shuffle it was a few mins on a minute off, the heat was just so hot, my legs were not working and I desperately wanted to finish, by now I was at the 6hr point my goal time. As I approached the finish inside the campsite the crowd really helped and I managed to cross the line in 6hrs 18 looking reasonably good. RUN: 2hrs 30mins (a death march) TOTAL TIME: 6Hrs 18mins I was hoping for a time of 6:00 but had no idea as I didn’t know the course at all, well the run. So my finishing time of 6:18 is just about where I thought I might be and but for the heat/sun would have been 15-30mins quicker I think....... For me, the heat made the race as hard as any I have done and when you see all the other comments on Tri Talk and hear every one else making comments that it is the hardest HIM they have ever done, you realise what you have achieved and what that race was all about. Time for a couple of days off now, but if you want a race to challenge your senses, and your strength, then get yourself along to A Day in the Lakes 2010......but you probably wont see me there !!!! (Or will you?)
I not really got any photos of the day to show you but look on Tri Talk some awesome shots of the day.

Wednesday 24 June 2009

DAMBUSTER and the week after!!!!!

So no major issues with getting over to the race, flight OK, bike OK, stayed at me mams, slept OK, got there in enough time etc, diet maybe not the best in the week prior and I had done nothing exercise wise since Monday due to work/family stuff. But other than that I was looking forward to the race and meeting up with all again. So results.......

Overall Finish 105(Not Happy) in a time of 02:24:49(Not Happy)

Swim 00:26:38(Happy) My swim is coming on and its good I use to be a 29/30 min and all swims done this year are 26,24 and a 22 so happy days. Felt funny swimming and all the guys you know that are in front or behind you are all RAF. I found myself in between the lead pack and all the rest , there was 2 others that swam alongside nearly all the way I could not work out who it was. I was overtaken by only 2 from the wave that started behind me so to be honest I was happy.

T1 00:01:08(Steady, no issues) Saw Sam Wright here so thought got to have him on the bike then try and hold on on the run.

Bike 01:15:36(Jesus Christ) I am not happy. OK it was windy but boy I could just not get going. Sam and I had maintained the same distance between each other so I thought to myself we all must be feeling the wind. Just get into a rhythm and maintain. Easier said than done it was not till I turned on to the A47 that I got my bike legs together, toooooo late. At one point I was clocking 30mph on said road and some guy came flying past me like I was not there, Thought it was Saggs on his TT but he ensured me it was further South.

T2 00:00:45(Again no messing in and out) Saw Sam again in transition just thought try and stick with him.

Run 00:40:42(Not happy) I had been doing Brick sets in training for IMUK in a bloody quicker time and covering a further distance. This is a flat run really so disappointed with time. Not really sure what happened maybe it was the bike, I'm not happy with this time though. Even with Mal, Westy and Jase telling me I looked good on run. So more stuff to work on.
So the week after Dambuster has been a nightmare for me. Woke up on the Sun with a major chaffing issue. I will not go into this too much, but basically I have done nothing since the Race on Sat and its now Wed. I can Hardly walk and I have had to go to the Docs. I cant believe it I have the Day in the Lakes Half this Sun and this race is my last practice race ready for my IronMan. I was going to have the bike, the kit, the food, the prep etc all the same as IMUK and then a 4 week taper. Is it all going wrong so close to the big day. I'm gutted and feeling really sorry for myself. I so want to do this race on Sunday I need to know all is ready and I'm OK.

Friday 12 June 2009

New TT Bike

All brought by work. Yes you are reading right, work have purchased this for me. I was given £2500 to spend . I did not want to take the pee so spent £2000. There are obviously stipulations with this deal. Ill explain to you when I see next as this not he place for me to put them on.
I also wanted to get the bike fully made up not just the frame, so I went for.........
Ribble TT - Carbon Aero TT Ultegra 10 with Mavic Aksium Wheels
2009 Frameset12K Carbon monocoque frame and forks with high quality components from Ultegra, Dura Ace and Dedacciai.The Ultimate in design, aerodynamics, stiffness and performance- Carbon 12K monocoque frame and forks- Shimano Ultegra 10 speed Double groupset- Dura Ace 7900 TT79 time trial/triathlon brake levers- Dura Ace 7900 bar end shifting levers- Mavic Aksium Wheelset - Ribble headset 1 1/8" Hidden (ITS) 45x45- Aero TT carbon seatpillar- Selle Italia XO Transam saddle- Deda Crononero Team handlebars and Deda Parabolica Uno extensions- Deda Quattro Stem- Vittoria Rubino Rigid Tyres.
I decided to get the standard wheels saving cost and putting my Zipp 404's on., also got Look Keo Carbon Pedals along with Sella Flite Kit Carbon Saddle.
Now I am very happy with the bike and looking forward to getting her out. Which wont be this w/end as I have another dress rehearsal Iron man Bike so 'S' Works it is.

Saturday 6 June 2009

Still Alive

Pics from Athy

So I've not been on for a while various reasons, work being the biggest but also I have got my MOJO back finally and I'm enjoying training again so been getting it in. Also did a race last w/end.... to follow. Well only 7 weeks to IMUK and I'm eating, sleeping living the event at the moment. My bike is set up as will be for race day and I'm out on her as much as I can, running trainers well and truly broken in. Drink, gels and food as on the day even tried the minging Lime and Lemon Power bar gels(Yuk). Training going well again got a 4 hr bike tomorrow followed by 2hr run, as if doing IMUK, Dress rehearsal and that's me no more big stuff. Looking at a 4 week taper.

Doing Day in Lakes at end of month as a recce of race day but only a half. Got a tripped planned over the water to recce the route etc. Oh and Dam buster. I may do Dublin Marathon in October if I get post IM blues and I need to do something!!!!!!!!

I have a new TT Bike arriving Wednesday I hope(Mick Knows) Courtesy of work, oh sometimes I love my employer. Ha Ha. Ill post photos when it arrives. Unlike Turbo Man I cannot promise such a beauty. But some of us just don't get the luck!!!!!

So injuries and niggles seem to have disappeared and I'm back into the training. Did a standard distance race in Eire last weekend, what a beauty of a race along with a cracking day weather wise.

Swim 20:59

Bike 1:04:28

Run 40min... To be honest was well happy with result and to get a 2hr 09min finish time well pleasing, slightly annoyed with run time but I'm feeling stronger in training so Ill get that down to at least a 38. Overall 72Nd out of 811, 17Th in age group.

Tuesday 28 April 2009


I have finally decided that airports are no good for you. After 4 flights in the last week im dead. Im currently sat in the airport waiting for yet another delayed flight. No excues but they coming, I feel like poo. Looking at Saggs blog I feel like him, but not as good, never mind not running for a week Ive nearly gone a week with doing nowt. Its all this flying back and forth, staying in hotels and sitting in careers meetings. Oh Im so bored, de-motivated and tired. Reckon Ive peaked too early for Ironman??? Hope not. Ive decided that Im going to do the Duathlon tomorrow as a kick up the ass I need to get the Mojo back and get in to it again. Running is still a slight struggle.Swimming been going ok and cycling aggrevates the Knee. Got a bike fit booked for 19th May which is good, so Ill be racing the Sprint on 20th and my S Works will be out as this the one I want fitting. Just heard flight delayed due to freak weather at Heathrow?? Thought we only get that over here. I also agree with Saggs that Jase is going to be flying this year and good on him he put alot of effort in to it.

Friday 24 April 2009


Well its been a while since I last posted, Micks moved, Saggs gets a bronze at national, Jase gets a awesome 3rd(Bike looks nice) Matt, Pete and Daz storm SA(Well done). Even Kelda recovering from injury, The association membership is keeping me well busy(Lots of new members), what with meetings, life etc. I'm hardly doing any training. A blessing in disguise as my knees required the rest. I managed to get out Sat just gone for 77 miles on the bike, rested Sunday, cycled 52 on Mon, Swam 3000m on Tue rest Wed and wait for it ran yesterday.Get in there. Good and bad news 1. Knees better but still a little tender. 2. Managed an Hr. 3. Feels like nowt now which is nice. 4. No more running till Wed's duathlon I think though. I have a stag w/end in Nottingham so not sure if I will feel too good by wed. I really have become a tee total er this year so the lads have to give me some lee way!!!!!(I hope) Fly back to Belfast Sun so a few days recovery. Which I think my body will like. Have got some photos from Malaga and Connemara to get on site. I will get round to some time. Oh saw Fat boy Elliot at Cranners Wed he was doing well. Was nice to see him he hoping to do the sprint there if he can get off. Must go been called to gate.

Friday 10 April 2009

Weekly Update

So since being back after Malaga Training Week I have still not been recovering but I have finally listened to my body and decided to take a well earned rest. So....

Mon 06/04/09. 1st day back to work, killer feeling really tired. Did 22oom swim in evening really hard going.

Tue 07Th did a 45 min L3 run felt OK. Core work in eve.

Wed 08Th work still killing me trying to catch up, keep smiling but really its pissing me off. Do hard 28oom swim set in eve.

Thu 09Th. I cant help my self and get up 04:30 in gym for 05:00 onto tredder. 30 min warm up at Low L3 then 30 min at Low L4 with 30 min warm down at Lowest L3. Covered 12 miles in Hr and half, Avg HR 143 my legs are in bits later on in the day and I'm struggling to walk. Tanya my masseur gets me in for 30 Min's she is ace. It is just a courtesy check over she confirms my deepest fears my legs are in bits after a Ultra Marathon and training camp, in particular my Achilles. Time for Uncle Reg to take a rest can I do it.......... On ferry travel back to the Mighty Ingerland for Easter to visit In laws and parents. Yes my bike, run kit and swim kit are packed.

Fri 10Th. Awoken at 05:30 on ferry time to get off and travel home had 3 glasses of red with Mrs S last night not feeling to good. Get to Lichfield for 08:30. Meet the in laws UN-pack and have an Hr snooze. To be honest was going to do an Endurance swim Set today 7X 500m sets with 30 secs rest. I decide not to I need the rest I'm getting run down. So have done nowt all day relax, had meal out with Mrs S family was nice but had a few beers which is too many for me and I feel a little ropey.......... Want to get out for a quick spin today say 40 mile nice low gear,work on the technique.We will see.

Sunday 5 April 2009


Got back Sat 04/04/09. No hassle with the flight. Spent some quality time with Mrs S, got her a nice gift from airport she was happy. Nice one. Diesel well happy to see his Dad. Used today as a recovery day.

So woke up this morning 05/05/09 after the best sleep I had for the last week. Mrs S said I could go out for a wee spin. Did 1hr 52 on bike and covered 32 mies. God its windy. Doing nowt for the rest of the day apart from resting and getting stuff ready for work. Going to cram some training in Mon to Wed then its to my parents for Easter so will have my rest then and stuff my face with Chocolate. Nice.....

Fri 03/04/09

So the day after the Epic climb. Actually feeling ok had good feed, wine and rest. Weather is nice today so try and get some colour in my skin. Its our last training day today. Shorts and short sleeve top. YES. 50 mile spin out today use it as a recovery ride. As usual out here it started with some climbing then some great descending I love it. Keep putting the hammer down every so often. Back into climbing well undulating. Nice coffee stop in the sunshine!!!! Then home Andy the owner is out with us 20 miles in and a few of us pull away myself, Richard Allen and 2 others. 20 miles till home. I waited till we were about 3 miles out and went for it. Gutted Al and Rich caught me up with mile to go. But it was great fun. Feed up then another 1hr swim. Which proves to be hard as all the group are feeling tired. Last minute panick tan then pack up bags and bike boxes. A late night did not hit the pit till at least 1, drank some wine. Early start to catch flight back home to Belfast. Though Im tired Ive had a great week and am looking forward to a little rest.

Friday 3 April 2009

Sierra Nevada

Wed 02/04/09.

One thing and one thing only today: 19 mile & 5734 feet of climbing, continuous no breaks. Monachil 2 Sierra Nevada. This is the climb they do for the Tour Of Spain and they will be doing it again this year. Weather has picked up a little so shorts and arm warmers thinking God I'm going to sweat all this climbing but its a Ski Resort at the top its going to be cold. Anyway as usual I had a good feed, bike, kit and myself ready. It was decided as A group that we would go off slowest 1st then 5 mins intervals. Record for this within this Training Camp is 1hr 38 by some Pro Rider. So I'm thinking 2:15 to 2:30. Got off to a great start as I nearly missed my starting time. Anyway off I went remembering my tips from Richard Allen and Andy(Owner) go easy at the start do not over do it(Great advice) Didn't want to go to slow as had a female in front of me and one behind who is hoping to qualify for Kona(Just missed out last year)this year I believe and is a good hill climber. So straight in to the Granny Ring and spinning, Within minutes it was hairpin after hairpin. HR 168-171, jersey undone arm warmers down. Jesus and we only just started. Was not feeling too good but kept going, after 25 minutes I had caught the rider ahead, was I going to fast? How was she feeling? Anyway this is when we hit the steepest part of this continuous ascent. 18% of pure hell for 5 minutes. Was lucky if I was hitting 4mph. I had caught another rider up which was a nice feeling. So back on with the climbing. I managed to pick off another 2 of the slower riders. For the 1st time ever on the bike I had a good rhythm going and was spinning. So half way point. 1hr 1min down. Weather turning cold now so I had to stop and do jersey up as I could not do on the move. At this point I was riding in the middle of the road and no where near the edge, was getting Vertigo. Then I started to hit the snow and Ski Resorts I'm 2500m above sea level, seen no other riders and Its getting hard. 3 miles to go and Richard Allen catches me along with 2 of the other 3 riders that had gone behind me. I was gutted that they had got me but well happy I had got this far. I was getting my normal blurred vision(Start of my Migraines) so forgot about my time and concentrated on breathing and slowing my heart rate down, It was the glare off the snow. So anyway got to the top where all the locals and tourists are skiing and snowboarding with snow as high as 6 foot and I'm cycling up it. Anyway hit the finish feeling great and with a massive sigh of relief that I had done the climb. 1st thing 1st get in to the darkest place I could put my darker shades on close my eyes and pray I did not get a Migraine. Thank god I did not bit did have headache for rest of the day. So okay for the bit you are waiting for, My Final time was.......... 2hrs 7mins. Happy days. Richard Allen hit 1hr 43. If you wanted to know, and no the pro women did not catch me but did get 2hr 6min

Wednesday 1 April 2009

Malga Training Week

Right I'm a little behind here. So will do catch up then try and update every day till sat.

Sun 29/03/09. Left Belfast nice and early looking forward to the sunshine. Met at airport by Andy owner of villa) and Richard Allen(A good start for the resident Pro to meet us) So got to Villa,settled in and the wetsuits on for swim set watched by the eagle eye Allen. De-Briefed on my swim stroke(Great tips) then out for a 5 mile run. I only did a bout 2.5 legs still hurting from my Epic Ultra.

Mon 30/03/09. Terrible nights sleep and its freezing no sunshine. Man this is not what I signed up for. So today is a 2.5k swim and 2 hr hilly bike. Had great feed for breekie. The food cooked by Andy and his Missus(Tracey) is top draw. Swim was good today trying to work on points noted by Richard, cramped up. You know the feeling, so only got 2.2k in. Bike done, still no sun. Covered 38 miles in 2hr 20, 1290 feet of climbing Jesus its hilly out here. No wonder the Spaniards are strong.

Tue 31/03/09. Better night sleep, legs still feeling affects of Ultra. Woke up to fog, man its meant to be hot. So today a 74 mile hilly bike, we wait till 11 for sun to break through and it finally does. YES. Jesus what hills, descents and views one hell of a bike ride and the sun was out. Lunch provided, juice a mechanic, van,guide etc. Richard Allen out with us as per all other sets. 4hr 30 cycling time 1990 feet of climbing. I have never ever climbed hills like this or as many. I really look forward to eating but struggle a little to get down me. Have a couple of glasses of red. Get a quota of 3 bottles a night between the group. Brill. Get myself a massage. Ouch my fears are confirmed legs in bits. Get skins on do some stretching and hit my pit.

Wed 01/04/09. The sun is finally here yes bring it on and I have a tan mark from y/day bike. So I have a dilemma 13 mile run today. Do I run or not???? I really do need to recover I seriously did not realise how bad I would be feeling from Ultra. So like a tool I am I decide to go on run. BIG mistake. I really struggle. Get back to Villa shower, stretch get food and fluids in and now sit here typing this. The rest of group out to do open water swim. I finally listen to my body and will stay here at Villa and top up on my tan.

Tuesday 31 March 2009

The Ultra Marathon

Or as I like to call it 39.2 miles of PAIN. So I don't really know where to start. I took part in this race 9 days ago but what with work and the training camp(later blog) Ive not been on to write about this horrific experience. For Mick photos will follow when I'm back home. OK im going to try and keep it short and sweet. Starting way Back when both Kaz and I decided we wanted to do something different training wise. We came across the Connemara Ultra Marathon in Galway. This was my 1st mistake, aggreeing to do this with Kaz as she can run, is a whippet and also built like 1... and most of all at least she has done a Marathon. Furthest I had run was 15 miles. So months of training go past and Ive run 20 miles as my longest. This was my 2nd mistake I was counting on my endurance from the bike to get me through(It did). Don't get me wrong Ive been pounding the streets getting the miles in as my weight loss will vouch for, Yippee, Anyway 2 months before Kaz gets ill and we have lots of in and outs of hospital, visits,tests etc. Bee all and end all there is no way she is running.... Oh dear not good news in all aspects. She is getting better.

So....First time doing the connemara half- Weather was brill! Perfect day for the run. Found the hills tough but good going. Legs are still feeling it today!

Learned a lot from the race however - I under trained and thus found the experience far tougher going as a result. Thanks to all helping out at the water stations and support on the route.
The experience of the race for me, was pure hell. I had set off ice and steady as not to blow. 9 min mile pace going to about 8:30, not too sure when we (A fellow Englishman Andy P) hit the 13 mile point was about 1:50. Was feeding good and felt OK. Mile 18 - 20 went through my 1st little wobble. 20-26, OK but slowing. This is where it all when Pete Tong...........

To give you an idea here's what happened to me:Crossed the line- shattered, dizzy and legs in bits! Blood-sugar levels seriously low when I crossed the line was very close to passing out! -Completely disorientated.
Was desperate for energy -no bananas, no chocolate, no energy drink even available at finish line - hadn't the energy to walk to bag area/figure out where it was or even to get my medal and t-shirt. Thank god Kaz was there- life saver.
Thank god there were such sound people in the race. Really helped lift my spirits afterwards.

So what happened at the 26 mile point, there were various feed stations around where you could leave food and drink. You guessed it my major feed/re-fuel was at this point to help me cover the last 13 miles. Somebody had nicked my stuff. I hit this point at 3:58. So was still on my target time of sub 6 hrs. I mean 2 hrs to cover a half..... how hard could it be. 2hrs 49 minutes later I crossed that finish line to my amazement. Basically I BLEW. I had not eaten anything of substance from 18 -32 miles. I had put fluids in. I was now down to a shuffle and walk. By the end it was a walk and rest. I had power walkers doing the half flying passed me. I am so glad I have done it though and have got the t-shirt. Now the days have passed I'm picking up the positives from this challenge the major one being I have the inner strength to keep going. A MASSIVE well organised event. Glad Kaz was there with me I needed the support.

Wednesday 18 March 2009


Christ no matter how many I have had them bloody sports massage's wreck, especially when you don't stretch on a regular basis. Yes that's me. So got my hr turbo in at lunch, 15 min warm up at 149bpm Cad 96. Then 30 min at 153bpm cad was roughly about 94. Then a 15 min WD covered 19.1 miles in the Hour. Sometimes the turbo is a killer. Unlike the Hussler I'm more of a beat man required to inspire me, none of that girl's singing stuff!!!!! So I'm done and dusted now till the big day. I'm trying to relax but its not really happening.

Tuesday 17 March 2009

Taper Week

So still carb loading for Sunday and taking all my Vits and Supps that I get from the awesome website MyProtein. What value. I also must be a weirdo because I like the taste of the Whey Isolate. Got my Hr Run in today. Covered7.5 miles steady at L3. Felt a bit heavy to start off with but soon got into the swing of things which was nice as it made me feel a little better ready for Sun. So quick turbo tomorrow and then rest. Mrs Swallow has made me lovely Homemade (healthy) cakes and smoothies etc for me to nibble on this week. I'm trying to get the Salads, Fibre, Chicken, Pasta,Feta cheese etc in. Coach told me when I get the chance to rest to put my feet up and relax. Not sure what world he lives in, if its not the normal married life jobs its the dog who needs walking or work. Kaz has promised to drive the 5hrs down to the race destination Ill start then. Booked into a lovely little B&B for 3 days so Guinness will be drunk if race completed.

Taper Week

OK there has to be a start point for all this blogging stuff. I have finally decided to get myself in to this phenomenon. Not sure how long I will be able to keep the posts up to date but will try my hardest. Well I'm on taper week this week and its killing me already. All I seem to be doing is putting all the good work Ive done over the last few months to waste by fuelling up ready for my Ultra Marathon this Sun. That's right 39.2 miles with some of the hilliest climbs I will ever run up. I originally signed up for this under the impression that if I completed this then the marathon leg on my Iron Man would be a breeze. But now I'm starting to worry as it draws closer. I am not aiming for a time here but just to finish. Then it will be a week off and then off to Malaga for some long warm weather training with Richard Allen's gang. Hope Ive recovered.

So last night I did a 2400m swim set, today I have a L3/L4 run for Hr tomorrow 1hr turbo (15 minutes low L4, 30 minutes 153 bpm, 15 minutes WD) then a nice sports massage and 3 days off ready for the big day. i hope to have some photos from the day just to show my expressions throughout the miles as that will be fun to see. Mr Sags keeps hassling me to write a bit about my Iron Man training I am undertaking at the moment so I will enclose some of the last few weeks when I get a chance along with some photos of the machines especially the new S Works(Oh what a dream to ride)