Sunday 5 April 2009

Fri 03/04/09

So the day after the Epic climb. Actually feeling ok had good feed, wine and rest. Weather is nice today so try and get some colour in my skin. Its our last training day today. Shorts and short sleeve top. YES. 50 mile spin out today use it as a recovery ride. As usual out here it started with some climbing then some great descending I love it. Keep putting the hammer down every so often. Back into climbing well undulating. Nice coffee stop in the sunshine!!!! Then home Andy the owner is out with us 20 miles in and a few of us pull away myself, Richard Allen and 2 others. 20 miles till home. I waited till we were about 3 miles out and went for it. Gutted Al and Rich caught me up with mile to go. But it was great fun. Feed up then another 1hr swim. Which proves to be hard as all the group are feeling tired. Last minute panick tan then pack up bags and bike boxes. A late night did not hit the pit till at least 1, drank some wine. Early start to catch flight back home to Belfast. Though Im tired Ive had a great week and am looking forward to a little rest.

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