Wednesday 24 June 2009

DAMBUSTER and the week after!!!!!

So no major issues with getting over to the race, flight OK, bike OK, stayed at me mams, slept OK, got there in enough time etc, diet maybe not the best in the week prior and I had done nothing exercise wise since Monday due to work/family stuff. But other than that I was looking forward to the race and meeting up with all again. So results.......

Overall Finish 105(Not Happy) in a time of 02:24:49(Not Happy)

Swim 00:26:38(Happy) My swim is coming on and its good I use to be a 29/30 min and all swims done this year are 26,24 and a 22 so happy days. Felt funny swimming and all the guys you know that are in front or behind you are all RAF. I found myself in between the lead pack and all the rest , there was 2 others that swam alongside nearly all the way I could not work out who it was. I was overtaken by only 2 from the wave that started behind me so to be honest I was happy.

T1 00:01:08(Steady, no issues) Saw Sam Wright here so thought got to have him on the bike then try and hold on on the run.

Bike 01:15:36(Jesus Christ) I am not happy. OK it was windy but boy I could just not get going. Sam and I had maintained the same distance between each other so I thought to myself we all must be feeling the wind. Just get into a rhythm and maintain. Easier said than done it was not till I turned on to the A47 that I got my bike legs together, toooooo late. At one point I was clocking 30mph on said road and some guy came flying past me like I was not there, Thought it was Saggs on his TT but he ensured me it was further South.

T2 00:00:45(Again no messing in and out) Saw Sam again in transition just thought try and stick with him.

Run 00:40:42(Not happy) I had been doing Brick sets in training for IMUK in a bloody quicker time and covering a further distance. This is a flat run really so disappointed with time. Not really sure what happened maybe it was the bike, I'm not happy with this time though. Even with Mal, Westy and Jase telling me I looked good on run. So more stuff to work on.
So the week after Dambuster has been a nightmare for me. Woke up on the Sun with a major chaffing issue. I will not go into this too much, but basically I have done nothing since the Race on Sat and its now Wed. I can Hardly walk and I have had to go to the Docs. I cant believe it I have the Day in the Lakes Half this Sun and this race is my last practice race ready for my IronMan. I was going to have the bike, the kit, the food, the prep etc all the same as IMUK and then a 4 week taper. Is it all going wrong so close to the big day. I'm gutted and feeling really sorry for myself. I so want to do this race on Sunday I need to know all is ready and I'm OK.

1 comment:

  1. Chuffin' Hell mate, even with no swimming or running I reckon I could have beaten you!

    Another bad day at Rutland Water for you - you have an e-mail at your work address.
