Friday 10 April 2009

Weekly Update

So since being back after Malaga Training Week I have still not been recovering but I have finally listened to my body and decided to take a well earned rest. So....

Mon 06/04/09. 1st day back to work, killer feeling really tired. Did 22oom swim in evening really hard going.

Tue 07Th did a 45 min L3 run felt OK. Core work in eve.

Wed 08Th work still killing me trying to catch up, keep smiling but really its pissing me off. Do hard 28oom swim set in eve.

Thu 09Th. I cant help my self and get up 04:30 in gym for 05:00 onto tredder. 30 min warm up at Low L3 then 30 min at Low L4 with 30 min warm down at Lowest L3. Covered 12 miles in Hr and half, Avg HR 143 my legs are in bits later on in the day and I'm struggling to walk. Tanya my masseur gets me in for 30 Min's she is ace. It is just a courtesy check over she confirms my deepest fears my legs are in bits after a Ultra Marathon and training camp, in particular my Achilles. Time for Uncle Reg to take a rest can I do it.......... On ferry travel back to the Mighty Ingerland for Easter to visit In laws and parents. Yes my bike, run kit and swim kit are packed.

Fri 10Th. Awoken at 05:30 on ferry time to get off and travel home had 3 glasses of red with Mrs S last night not feeling to good. Get to Lichfield for 08:30. Meet the in laws UN-pack and have an Hr snooze. To be honest was going to do an Endurance swim Set today 7X 500m sets with 30 secs rest. I decide not to I need the rest I'm getting run down. So have done nowt all day relax, had meal out with Mrs S family was nice but had a few beers which is too many for me and I feel a little ropey.......... Want to get out for a quick spin today say 40 mile nice low gear,work on the technique.We will see.


  1. Reg, listen to your body!!!!!!! Have a rest mate. I know it's hard (believe me, I know), but you need some quality recovery time otherwise you're gonna f*ck yourself up.

    Go out for a nice long walk with Mrs Reg, enjoy the countryside. Don't worry about structured training for a while, just do something active each day, walk the dog on an extended route, or jump in the pool for 20 minutes and just work on technique, or get the MTB out and have a spin out in the woods.

    Take it easy dude, sermon over. :-)

  2. Sound advice from young Frank there. If you don't rest you will become ill or injured and all the good work you have done will be for nothing. LISTEN TO YOUR BODY AND REST.

  3. You will be glad to hear that I am resting. Went for 2 hr walk y/day, with Mrs S and the family. Stuffed my face with Indian and beer and today I have walked around the shopping centre for hours. Going to try 1hr on bike tomorrow. Ferry home tonight but no booze back off it till Aug 3rd.

  4. Dude. Can you email your Triangles article to me at

  5. I trust the lack of blogging means you are resting.
