Wednesday 1 April 2009

Malga Training Week

Right I'm a little behind here. So will do catch up then try and update every day till sat.

Sun 29/03/09. Left Belfast nice and early looking forward to the sunshine. Met at airport by Andy owner of villa) and Richard Allen(A good start for the resident Pro to meet us) So got to Villa,settled in and the wetsuits on for swim set watched by the eagle eye Allen. De-Briefed on my swim stroke(Great tips) then out for a 5 mile run. I only did a bout 2.5 legs still hurting from my Epic Ultra.

Mon 30/03/09. Terrible nights sleep and its freezing no sunshine. Man this is not what I signed up for. So today is a 2.5k swim and 2 hr hilly bike. Had great feed for breekie. The food cooked by Andy and his Missus(Tracey) is top draw. Swim was good today trying to work on points noted by Richard, cramped up. You know the feeling, so only got 2.2k in. Bike done, still no sun. Covered 38 miles in 2hr 20, 1290 feet of climbing Jesus its hilly out here. No wonder the Spaniards are strong.

Tue 31/03/09. Better night sleep, legs still feeling affects of Ultra. Woke up to fog, man its meant to be hot. So today a 74 mile hilly bike, we wait till 11 for sun to break through and it finally does. YES. Jesus what hills, descents and views one hell of a bike ride and the sun was out. Lunch provided, juice a mechanic, van,guide etc. Richard Allen out with us as per all other sets. 4hr 30 cycling time 1990 feet of climbing. I have never ever climbed hills like this or as many. I really look forward to eating but struggle a little to get down me. Have a couple of glasses of red. Get a quota of 3 bottles a night between the group. Brill. Get myself a massage. Ouch my fears are confirmed legs in bits. Get skins on do some stretching and hit my pit.

Wed 01/04/09. The sun is finally here yes bring it on and I have a tan mark from y/day bike. So I have a dilemma 13 mile run today. Do I run or not???? I really do need to recover I seriously did not realise how bad I would be feeling from Ultra. So like a tool I am I decide to go on run. BIG mistake. I really struggle. Get back to Villa shower, stretch get food and fluids in and now sit here typing this. The rest of group out to do open water swim. I finally listen to my body and will stay here at Villa and top up on my tan.


  1. Listen to your body mate, perhaps give the running a miss and just concentrate on the swim and bike for a bit.

    Train smart fella!

  2. Man you are so right. I should ave skipped the run today and not the swim. Im learning all the time.

  3. Rest and recover (difficult considering where you are) as best you can. Just stop running would help. Look at me, I've stopped swimming and running and feel great! You should fly round IM this year.
