Sunday 5 April 2009


Got back Sat 04/04/09. No hassle with the flight. Spent some quality time with Mrs S, got her a nice gift from airport she was happy. Nice one. Diesel well happy to see his Dad. Used today as a recovery day.

So woke up this morning 05/05/09 after the best sleep I had for the last week. Mrs S said I could go out for a wee spin. Did 1hr 52 on bike and covered 32 mies. God its windy. Doing nowt for the rest of the day apart from resting and getting stuff ready for work. Going to cram some training in Mon to Wed then its to my parents for Easter so will have my rest then and stuff my face with Chocolate. Nice.....


  1. 50 mile RECOVERY ride??? Not sure a sprint finish fits in with that but never mind. Glad you enjoyed it. Recover well mate. I reckon you will go really well this season; just sort your nutrition out.

  2. Im trying hard on the food front. Trying different things, when to eat how to eat etc etc. Just does not seem to work. Ill keep trying. Think I might even look into employing someone to do it all for me.

  3. It's chuffin' easy, you don't need to pay someone to do it for you.

    Work out what you like (and this definition is "stuff you can eat over 11 hours or so") and then look at the wrapper to see how many g of carbs it has. Work out your requirements based on 1g of carb/kg of bodyweight per hour (the books will tell you that you require 1 to 1.5g of carbs/kg of bodyweight - the longer the distance the less you require but it is personal).

    As a guide (based on my LD experiences):
    2 large mouthfuls of energy drink every 10 minutes. This will get me through a 750ml bottle every hour.
    1 gel every 20 minutes.
    1 bar every half an hour.
    Yes, you do need to plan your feeding regime as at 30 mins, 40 mins and on the hour you may have 2 or 3 things to eat/drink.
    I found it useful to have a treat, something to look forward to. I had a Jaffa Cake at the last feed station on the Vit last year and actually walked whilst eating it - man that Jaffa Cake was GOOD! Some people like something savoury occasionally as well, you don't have to survive on gels and go bars but you MUST try it in training beforehand. And Reg, mate, when you've worked it all out, and planned it down to the last detail, you MUST then actually eat and drink it! :-) Get it sorted and you will fly all the way to the finish line. You have enough experience of getting it wrong now so I won't labour that particular point!
