Sunday 5 July 2009

Last hard w/end before my taper.

So this Fri, Sat & Sun was my last real hard set before I start to take it a little easier ready for IMUK..... only 4 weeks away. That will please Kaz. Think she is sick and tired of all things Iron Man. So Fri......
3k swim set done in 56Min's, I am enjoying my swimming at the moment and am noticing the difference. Nice and relaxed not going like a mad man.

So Sat....
6hrs on the bike.... all on my own. What a mixed bag of a day, hot, sticky, cloudy, windy, wet, hot and so on. So off I set all clothed up like I will be on race day, spares on bike, food gels etc etc and a plan to stop for drinks top ups and toilets stop as per race day. Hard to mimic route as its all hills over here. So covered 94 miles and was happy with that as it was my intention to drop the pace to more like 16mph so I have something ready for the run. Worked a treat found it a breeze and nutrition was bang on Avg Hr 120.

Today(Sun) A 20 mile run, again as per race day. Set off nice and steady looking to have something in the tank for later on in the run. God it was hot. So 2hrs 30 in to the run and I was starting to feel the effects, legs getting tired and no nutrition left as I was looking at 3hrs finish. Well I was close did the 20 in 3hrs 2Min's and 56 secs. Avg Hr 139

A good w/end of training and some good taken out of it. I felt for what I had done my Hr was nice and low. I must remember to maintain a good steady pace and eat well everything else will follow suit. I hope.

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