Saturday 6 June 2009

Still Alive

Pics from Athy

So I've not been on for a while various reasons, work being the biggest but also I have got my MOJO back finally and I'm enjoying training again so been getting it in. Also did a race last w/end.... to follow. Well only 7 weeks to IMUK and I'm eating, sleeping living the event at the moment. My bike is set up as will be for race day and I'm out on her as much as I can, running trainers well and truly broken in. Drink, gels and food as on the day even tried the minging Lime and Lemon Power bar gels(Yuk). Training going well again got a 4 hr bike tomorrow followed by 2hr run, as if doing IMUK, Dress rehearsal and that's me no more big stuff. Looking at a 4 week taper.

Doing Day in Lakes at end of month as a recce of race day but only a half. Got a tripped planned over the water to recce the route etc. Oh and Dam buster. I may do Dublin Marathon in October if I get post IM blues and I need to do something!!!!!!!!

I have a new TT Bike arriving Wednesday I hope(Mick Knows) Courtesy of work, oh sometimes I love my employer. Ha Ha. Ill post photos when it arrives. Unlike Turbo Man I cannot promise such a beauty. But some of us just don't get the luck!!!!!

So injuries and niggles seem to have disappeared and I'm back into the training. Did a standard distance race in Eire last weekend, what a beauty of a race along with a cracking day weather wise.

Swim 20:59

Bike 1:04:28

Run 40min... To be honest was well happy with result and to get a 2hr 09min finish time well pleasing, slightly annoyed with run time but I'm feeling stronger in training so Ill get that down to at least a 38. Overall 72Nd out of 811, 17Th in age group.


  1. 20:59 for 1500m?? Your gona fly at dambuster matey:)

  2. It was downstream for 1000m meters and since then official time out 22:59. Thou Im still extremely happy with that.
