Tuesday 17 March 2009

Taper Week

OK there has to be a start point for all this blogging stuff. I have finally decided to get myself in to this phenomenon. Not sure how long I will be able to keep the posts up to date but will try my hardest. Well I'm on taper week this week and its killing me already. All I seem to be doing is putting all the good work Ive done over the last few months to waste by fuelling up ready for my Ultra Marathon this Sun. That's right 39.2 miles with some of the hilliest climbs I will ever run up. I originally signed up for this under the impression that if I completed this then the marathon leg on my Iron Man would be a breeze. But now I'm starting to worry as it draws closer. I am not aiming for a time here but just to finish. Then it will be a week off and then off to Malaga for some long warm weather training with Richard Allen's gang. Hope Ive recovered.

So last night I did a 2400m swim set, today I have a L3/L4 run for Hr tomorrow 1hr turbo (15 minutes low L4, 30 minutes 153 bpm, 15 minutes WD) then a nice sports massage and 3 days off ready for the big day. i hope to have some photos from the day just to show my expressions throughout the miles as that will be fun to see. Mr Sags keeps hassling me to write a bit about my Iron Man training I am undertaking at the moment so I will enclose some of the last few weeks when I get a chance along with some photos of the machines especially the new S Works(Oh what a dream to ride)

1 comment:

  1. Welcome to Blogland you sly old fox. Nice collection of bikes there, and with the best still to come.

    I don't envy you this running malarkey - go easy and don't injure yourself. Yeah, post some pictures - make me laugh!

    And then warm weather training in Malaga - **** off you ****!

    All the best buddy - looking forward to the report(s).
