Thursday 23 July 2009


Well its been a while since I last posted. As many of you are aware I was over for the Sprint Champs. Which I must say was well organised with the goodies at the end and a massive finish chute, whats going on. Along with all the people there 170, its brilliant for RAF Tri, its not for the Membership Sec though!!!! Poor Guy.

So the Baggage Handlers yet again have ruined another bike of mine. I'm still waiting for the claim to get sorted. So the Tuesday night I frantically sent a text to all to see if someone could loan me a bike(I would have took Turbo's new 1)(I see Mick has got Kelda to take his bike in Elli 2 Barca as he doesn't trust the handlers) Thanks to all for their help offered, in the end I got Jase's 'S' Works which is nice as I ride one also so was happy with layout apart from he uses SRAM so had a 5 min spin to get used to.

Had hardly any chance for a proper set the bike up and warm up before race, most of my time was spent dealing with new or new to be members.

Race went OK and to finish in the top 10 with the big boys was pleasing with all the problems I had pre race.

Since then I have recced the Ironman Route(Jeff & Mal) take note. The swim looks OK, IE nice setting, calm etc. Out of T1 onto the main bike route is about 5 speed bumps nowt major, then a quick right another right, sharp left then bang the hill they are all harping on about. Honestly it is the last part that is steep and will take it out of you after 3 laps. Be careful on final part of descent where the road is shocking then you have a dead stop left turn(Granny Ring) as its slightly up again Undulating for 5-10 miles this road could be good if its not windy.Apart from this the rest of the route seems OK. The last 20k is undulating and you get no real rhythm going. I completed the 37 mile loop in 2hr 20(This with colleague and few stops) I liked the course.

The run, back out of T2 but turn left follow road till you hit the main road in to Bolton City Centre, past a little town, Reebok Stadium(Dump) on right continue along here nice steady incline turn right in to Regents road then takes you onto the canal path, if the sun shinning here there is no hiding place. I thought this was a nice part of the run then back up to onto the main road(Chorley New Road or something like that) into queens park around, back on same route and turn round at the Crown pub(You will see this). Again I thought the route seemed OK with a mixed bag, it is not flat though mark my words.

So was glad I had done this just to give me an insight a little heads up on what to expect. I did not see any signs up explaining the IM was on etc and not many people knew about it.

Ref spectators I think it will be OK for them to view. IE lots of places to watch from just how they get there is the thing I feel parking up and then trying to get out to go somewhere else will be a night mare, so walking it is, we will see. I have the whole Swallow gland coming up as its not far for them to travel.

So back to normal this week and in my taper, with steady run, swim, bike involved. If I could. I'm not sure if its me panicking as I'm so near to the event but I'm booked in with Physio tomorrow, not sure how but my right shoulder giving me jiff and hurting after swimming. Then whilst out on bike in Bolton I accidentally whacked my knee, Jesus its giving me grief now so I'm resting it, then there is the attack of Man Flu, knocking me for 6. Suppose at least I will be rested.

Apart from that I feel ready, training for the whole season has been geared up for the LD stuff, not lost the weight I wanted to as I LOVE FOOD. Glad I seen part of the course. So all down to events on race day now.

Thanks to all those that have sponsored me to those who haven't get sponsoring, PLEASE.


  1. CONGRATULATIONS IRON REG! Looking forward to hearing all the gory details.

  2. Come on Reg YOU SLACK GIT, lets have a race report.

  3. You gonna ever update this you slack lazy techie?
