Friday 24 April 2009


Well its been a while since I last posted, Micks moved, Saggs gets a bronze at national, Jase gets a awesome 3rd(Bike looks nice) Matt, Pete and Daz storm SA(Well done). Even Kelda recovering from injury, The association membership is keeping me well busy(Lots of new members), what with meetings, life etc. I'm hardly doing any training. A blessing in disguise as my knees required the rest. I managed to get out Sat just gone for 77 miles on the bike, rested Sunday, cycled 52 on Mon, Swam 3000m on Tue rest Wed and wait for it ran yesterday.Get in there. Good and bad news 1. Knees better but still a little tender. 2. Managed an Hr. 3. Feels like nowt now which is nice. 4. No more running till Wed's duathlon I think though. I have a stag w/end in Nottingham so not sure if I will feel too good by wed. I really have become a tee total er this year so the lads have to give me some lee way!!!!!(I hope) Fly back to Belfast Sun so a few days recovery. Which I think my body will like. Have got some photos from Malaga and Connemara to get on site. I will get round to some time. Oh saw Fat boy Elliot at Cranners Wed he was doing well. Was nice to see him he hoping to do the sprint there if he can get off. Must go been called to gate.

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